Tag Archives: microfilm reader

It’s alive!

Well, well, well. Seems like the old junk/fancy lamp from previous post is still in working condition, the lamp lits up and the lens is fine too. I actually got to see things that haven’t been touched since the advent of digital photography- slides, microfilmed documents and a commemorative reel made especially for the celebration of Marjons 150th birthday.

I even stumbled upon something of special interest to me, as a person interested in the history of microcomputers- a slideshow that was part of a presentation about role of computers in education. You know, the thing that was used before there was PowerPoint and those horrid gradient backgrounds.  Here are a few pictures, you can still see what’s what even that the backlight is messing with my phone big time.

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Filed under artefacts, photos, technology

Ye old-timey quiz


Today I think I’ll make a small quiz:

What is this thing pictured above? Is it:

A) a piece of old junk

B) a microfilm reader

C) a fancy lamp

D) all of the above






The answer, of course is D. This old piece of machinery is one of our library’;s decommissioned microfilm readers, now residing in our archives. I’m not certain if it’s working, even that it looks fairly intact. We plan to turn it into a fancy lamp if we can make the underside light to work.

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